Michele Barovier

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Michele Barovier

Gianfranco Pereno
Pubblicato da Gianfranco in The devil's canvas · Domenica 05 Feb 2023 ·  1:45
Tags: thriller
Professor Michele Barovier

Michele was the last descendant of an ancient Venetian family enriched first by trading in fabrics imported from the East and then by making splendid
Murano glass objects; but only a vague memory remained of those glories now....
He was pleased with himself...
By the time he was thirty-two, his life was well on its way to deserved consolidation; he was teaching art history at the Liceo Artistico Statale in Venice, even managing to win some sympathy from his students....
He had an official girlfriend, Vanessa Della Vigna. Beautiful, blond, tall. A beautiful woman who held firmly in her own tapered the reins of both their lives, who took care to carefully regulate their schedules in order to have the necessary time to make love regularly and ensure that their fulfillments were genuine and satisfying.
They went out to dinner at least two evenings a week, hanging out with the right and selected friends, and above all, thanks to her own important employment at the Cassa di Risparmio di Venezia, she had already studied in advance a perfect plan of subsidized mortgages for their future home, furniture and the ever-present optional pension...
Michele's only extravagance seemed to be his heightened interest in the history of Art, something that by all accounts went far beyond a normal professional commitment. A passion so intense that even Vanessa had not felt like countering it,
indeed, she had even convinced herself that having as rivals women such as Botticelli's Venus or ethereal ladies holding delightful ermines, was an elegant game that her boyfriend's pastime allowed her to play with her closest friends.

So a posed person with a remarkable and carefully cultivated artistic sensibility and love of the Beautiful.
But also with passions and desires that he keeps carefully hidden, even from himself.
Passions that will lead him to trespass into the unknown and fear, opening doors to his... Devil!

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